Concepts & GS IV PYQs
Tolerance, a Foundational Civil Service Value
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Concepts & GS IV PYQs
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Tolerance, a term rooted in the Latin "tolerare," has journeyed from a concept of endurance to a cherished value for social harmony. As the UN spotlighted in 1996, Tolerance is more than enduring differences; it's about understanding and respecting the diverse tapestry of beliefs that shape our world.
Tolerance: A Journey Through Time
Tolerance's journey began amidst religious conflicts, with early interpretations calling for majority leniency towards minorities. Influential thinkers like John Locke and Voltaire regarded Tolerance as a pathway to societal peace and coexistence. John Rawls furthered this by framing Tolerance as a mutual respect for all beliefs that are integral to civil society.
Conceptions of Tolerance: From Permission to Respect
Permission: Historically, Tolerance meant allowing minorities to practice their beliefs privately without societal disruption.
Neutrality: This modern view advocates for state impartiality in religious matters, promoting an environment where diverse lifestyles can thrive.
Respect for Persons: Rooted in Kantian philosophy, this aspect of Tolerance calls for mutual respect among individuals as autonomous community members.
For UPSC candidates, understanding Tolerance is not just about historical knowledge; it's about integrating this value into their future roles as public servants.
As India's history shows, Tolerance is the fabric that binds society, making it an indispensable attribute for those serving the nation.
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