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Quotes and Questions

Quotes and Questions

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The Unexamined Life: Socrates' Legacy and Its Relevance Today

Do you see a connection between Socrates and Steve Jobs? Let’s connect the dots...

In this episode, we explore the profound meaning behind Socrates' famous quote, ""The unexamined life is not worth living."" Socrates, known for his philosophical inquiries in ancient Athens, often challenged unexamined beliefs, which eventually led to his trial and this iconic statement.

Episode overview 

Meaning of the Quote: Socrates emphasizes the importance of daily self-examination and the investigation of virtues like justice, morality, and knowledge.

Ethical Basis of Life: According to Socrates, understanding the ethical foundations of one’s actions leads to wisdom and virtue.

Reflecting on Actions: Socrates advocates for scrutinizing our actions and decisions, ensuring they align with our principles rather than blindly following societal norms.

Realizing Our Humanity: True humanity, according to Socrates, is achieved through constant learning, inquiry, and philosophical living.

Join us as we delve deeper into how this ancient wisdom applies to modern life and why even Steve Jobs admired Socrates’ philosophy. Watch the full video on YouTube to explore these timeless teachings and their relevance today.


“An unexamined life is not worth living” Socrates 2019

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