Corporate Issues & Dilemmas
Questionable Business practices
A reputed food product company based in India developed a food product for the international market and started exporting the same after getting necessary approvals. The company announced this achievement and also indicated that soon the product will be made available for the domestic consumers with almost same quality and health benefits. Accordingly, the company got its product approved by the domestic competent authority and launched the product in Indian market. The company could increase its market share over a period of time and earned substantial profit both domestically and internationally. However, the random sample test conducted by inspecting team found the product being sold domestically in variance with the approval obtained from the competent authority. On further investigation, it was also discovered that the food company was not only selling products which were not meeting the health standard of the country but also selling the rejected export products in the domestic market. This episode adversely affected the reputation and profitability of the food company.
a) What action do you visualise should be taken by the competent authority against the food company for violating the laid down domestic food standard and selling rejected export products in the domestic market?
b) What course of action is available with the food company to resolve the crisis and bring back its lost reputation?
c) Examine the ethical dilemma involved in the case.
(Answer in 250 words)
Aptitude & Foundational Values

Meaning of Aptitude

Dedication to Public Service

Impartiality and Non-partisanship

Blog Mentoring
Young Minds

Meaning of Aptitude

Dedication to Public Service

Impartiality and Non-partisanship

Blog Mentoring
Young Minds
Insights with KM
Compassion is derived from the Latin "compati," which means 'to suffer with." In academic literature, there is a broad consensus that compassion involves an awareness of the other person's suffering and the consequent motivation to help or provide succour to the suffering individual. In his book Human Emotions, Lazarus defines compassion as "being moved by another's suffering and wanting to help." Similarly, Gilbert, in his book The Compassionate Mind: A new approach to life's challenges, interpreted compassion as a "deep awareness" of others' suffering combined with a desire to help. Most definitions of compassion focus on being touched by the other's suffering and the motivation to help. From an Indian perspective, compassion, known as karuna, is integral to the Buddhist value system and philosophy. Compassion or karuna is considered a "spiritual awareness" of others suffering. Dalai Lama defines compassion as an "openness to the suffering of others with a commitment to relive it."